Easy-Grinder elevates robotic grinding to new heights – Video

Easy-Grinder elevates robotic grinding to new heights – Video

The Easy-Grinder takes robotic grinding to a whole new level, as showcased in this video from Ancofer Steel Trading. Ancofer, a subsidiary of Dillinger, Europe’s leading steel manufacturer, specializes in steel trading and providing services for burned parts cut from steel plates. The company’s burning operation, one of the largest and most efficient in Germany, was looking for an autonomous solution for finishing their plasma and oxyfuel cut parts.

Previously, all parts were manually ground, a physically demanding process with risks of injury. Moreover, with a shortage of skilled labor, finding suitable personnel was becoming increasingly difficult. The Easy-Grinder, a robot equipped with grinding tools, recognizes product contours and processes them without the need for manual programming. It scans, grinds, deburrs, removes slag and oxide layers, rotates, and stacks the products on a pallet.

The robot seamlessly integrates into Ancofer’s production processes, accommodating both large series and small batches. The benefits of the Easy-Grinder include time savings, reduced physical strain, consistent quality, and improved safety. Overall, the Easy-Grinder is a smart investment for companies with extensive grinding needs, offering efficiency, quality, and safety in the finishing process.

Watch the video by ABB Robotics

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The Teqram Easy-Grinder brings major improvements to the process of finishing plasma and oxyfuel cut parts for Ancofer …

Video “Easy-Grinder takes robotic grinding to a next level” was uploaded on 03/21/2024 to Youtube Channel ABB Robotics