AI News

A new system for forecasting weather and predicting future climate uses artificial intelligence (AI) to achieve results comparable with the best existing models while using much less computer power, according to its creators. In a paper published in Nature today, ...

Top Video


The internet, a vast and indispensable resource for modern society, has a darker side where malicious activities thrive. From identity theft to sophisticated malware attacks, cyber criminals keep coming up with new scam methods. Widely available generative artificial intelligence (AI) ...


The human eye registers three colours of light: red, green and blue. But pigeons (and many other animal species) can also see a fourth colour, ultraviolet. The “four-dimensional” colour space pigeons see may contain millions more colours than ours. To ...

Digital Marketing

Multilingual SEO, also known as Multilingual Digital Marketing, is a powerful strategy aimed at optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results for various languages. Why would you need multilingual SEO? The answer is simple – by having ...

Amazing / Incredible / Funny

The video “Kayaking A Flooded Street & More #goals” captures the essence of pushing boundaries and achieving incredible feats. The montage showcases a variety of extreme sports and activities, from kayaking down a flooded street to performing impressive acrobatics and ...
