US Shuts Down Antarctica After Drone Captures Forbidden Sight – Video

US Shuts Down Antarctica After Drone Captures Forbidden Sight – Video

The recent video titled “Antarctica SHUT DOWN By The US After Drone Captures What No One Was Supposed To See” has sparked interest and speculation about the mysteries hidden within the icy continent. The video highlights the shocking stories shared by a former Naval officer and a journalist who claim to have discovered an entrance to a secret alien base containing UFOs in Antarctica.

The former Naval flight engineer, Brian, revealed his jaw-dropping encounter with a massive, perfect circle carved into the Antarctic ice sheet leading to a glowing cave entrance below. Despite facing threats and intimidation from authorities, Brian courageously spoke out about the strange sightings he witnessed during his time flying over Antarctica in the 80s and 90s.

Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe further delved into Brian’s account, uncovering a series of disappearances at Antarctic stations and odd radio bursts in strange languages leading to speculation of alien presence in Antarctica. Even more bizarre were the sightings of shiny silver discs performing incredible aerial maneuvers in the skies above Antarctica, suggesting advanced technology beyond human capability.

The video sheds light on the escalating secrecy and security surrounding Antarctica, with Linda Howe’s investigations raising questions about the true objectives of military and scientific expeditions to the continent. As mainstream support for uncovering Antarctica’s secrets grows, the video urges viewers to prioritize facts over suppression and denial, even if it means confronting unsettling truths that may reshape human history as we understand it.

In conclusion, the video “Antarctica SHUT DOWN By The US After Drone Captures What No One Was Supposed To See” offers a fascinating glimpse into the enigmatic world hidden beneath the ice of Antarctica, stirring curiosity and speculation about the potential extraterrestrial encounters and ancient mysteries that lie within the frozen continent.

Watch the video by Cosmos Lab

Video Transcript

Locked in away ice, Antarctica guards  mysteries that might just rewrite the   story of our past and shake up  everything we thought we knew. A   former Naval officer and a journalist  have shared shocking stories on how   they discovered an entrance to a secret  alien base containing UFOs in Antarctica.

How did this Naval flight engineer  Brian discover this secret alien   base? How is the world power trying  to hide it from the entire planet? Join us on this intriguing journey as we explore  the terrifying truths of the US terrifying   claim that aliens are hiding In Antarctica! In January 2015, investigative reporter Linda  

Moulton Howe stumbled upon a mysterious Antarctic  tale when she got an email from Brian, a retired   US Naval flight engineer with a wild story  from his time in Antarctica in the 80s and 90s. Brian dropped a bombshell, claiming he saw some  seriously strange stuff during his 4,000 flight  

Hours over Antarctica. The juiciest part of  the story is that he stumbled upon a massive,   perfect circle carved into the Antarctic ice  sheet leading to a glowing cave entrance below.   But here’s where it gets even weirder – when  Brian tried to get closer, all the gadgets  

In his aircraft went haywire, and they had to  do an emergency restart. After that encounter,   shady authorities confiscated records and  gave Brian and his crew the silent treatment. Intrigued by the craziness of Brian’s story,  Linda dug deeper. Brian later spilled the beans  

On what went down. In 1987, during a resupply  flight out of McMurdo Station, Brian and his   crew got last-minute orders to pick up something  from a remote campsite in Antarctica’s interior.   When they arrived, they found the camp trashed and  deserted, with no sign of human activity anywhere.

This creepy scenario kicked off a string  of disappearances at Antarctic stations.   Odd radio bursts in strange languages  popped up before each disappearance,   coming from some unknown source deep  under the ice. As the crew got jittery,   Brian’s co-pilot spotted a big shiny craft  silently cruising past their cockpit. It  

Was like something out of a sci-fi movie. A  white, smooth-surfaced, lozenge-shaped vessel   over 100 feet in diameter. Brian did what he was  supposed to do and reported it when they got back. Here’s where things get dicey. Men  in black suits showed up at McMurdo,  

Accompanied by big-shot Naval commanders.  They ordered Brian to retract his report   about the weird aircraft, but he refused,  facing threats of serious consequences. Weeks later, while checking out a remote  area, Brian picked up a faint distress   signal from inside an ice shelf. He traced  it to a bizarre circular hole in the ice,  

Glowing mysteriously. But as they circled  to check it out, their plane went dark—all   systems shut down. It was freaky, but luckily,  they got backup power and made it out okay. Back at McMurdo, Brian sent a coded alert about  the strange ice hole, but surprisingly a bunch  

Of classified convoys headed there. Brian then  found himself grilled by a panel of suited folks   from DARPA, who warned him to keep his mouth  shut about the weird sightings in Antarctica. As if that wasn’t enough, Brian connected the  dots to unsolved cases of missing scientists  

And abandoned research outposts in Antarctica over  the years. It’s like a frozen X-Files down there! Haunted by a sense of responsibility, Brian  carried immense guilt for keeping quiet about   the unsettling incidents in Antarctica, knowing  his fellow servicemen faced threats for speaking  

Out. Luckily, he found an ally in Linda Howe, a  dedicated investigator eager to bring suppressed   accounts to light and expose the truth  behind a potential Antarctic cover-up. Over several years, Linda conducted thorough  investigations, gathering testimonies from   military witnesses supporting Brian’s claims.  They spoke of advanced airships near Antarctica,  

Strange IC radio transmissions, and USO popularly  referred to as Unidentified Submerged Objects,   moving at mind-boggling speeds  in the Southern Ocean. Classified   satellite imagery revealed temporary  domed installations in Antarctica,   mysteriously destroyed to hide covert activities.  Linda also uncovered the obituaries of numerous  

Researchers who specialized in Antarctic studies  and died prematurely after incidents on the ice. Further digging exposed decades of  secretive expeditions led by powerful   military and scientific entities to Antarctic  locations, raising questions about their true   objectives. Despite Antarctica being a scientific  preserve, geopolitical tensions have risen due to  

Overlapping territorial claims, sparking fears  of resource exploitation and nuclear deployment. Today, Linda faces challenges from mysterious  security agencies as she digs deeper into   Antarctica’s escalating secrecy and  security. However, mainstream support   for her investigations is growing. The fate  of life on our planet depends on transparency  

About Antarctica’s future, a transparency  consistently denied by those in power. At this crucial juncture, we must stand  with truth-seekers like Linda and confront   reality with an open but critical mind. As  revelations about Antarctica’s secrets emerge,   our focus should be on seeking wisdom  rather than succumbing to fear. It’s  

Time to prioritize facts over suppression  or denial, even if it means grappling with   unsettling truths that may reshape  human history as we understand it. Brian’s Extraterrestrial Antarctic Encounters Brian’s time flying over Antarctica turned into  a wild sci-fi adventure against the icy beauty  

Of the continent. Researchers disappeared,  got scared, and wouldn’t spill the beans,   adding a spooky vibe to Brian’s story. But the  real head-scratcher is that Brian kept seeing   shiny silver things doing crazy moves in the  bright Antarctic skies, defying all known science.

On one flight over the Queen Maud mountain  range, Brian and his crew saw shiny silver discs,   perfectly round, pop up one after the  other from behind an icy peak. Floating   towards Mount Fridtjof in a neat line,  they were about 30 to 40 yards wide,  

And their smooth surfaces didn’t shine,  making them look solid against the blue   sky. And get this, they moved like nothing  we humans could make. Synchronized spins,   crazy speed-ups, and mid-air  rotations with no wings or jets. After 15 minutes of this weird movement,  the discs zipped behind Mount Fridtjof,  

Leaving Brian and his crew totally  stunned. They couldn’t believe what   they just saw in Antarctica’s skies.  The tech on display that day hinted at   way smarter beings working over Earth’s  southern pole than we thought possible. But here’s the real head-scratcher in Brian’s tale  – the discovery of a massive hole in the Antarctic  

Ice leading to a glowing cave below. The hole  was smoother than any modern drill could make,   with a cool blue glow. As if that wasn’t  enough, all their gear went haywire when   they got close such as radar, navigation,  controls, you name it. Everything was okay  

Anywhere else but within a kilometer of  that weird ice cave, it became total chaos. Brian filed a report about it all, detailing  electromagnetic craziness and spotting three   fast-moving objects shooting out of the  cave at super speeds. But guess what? The  

Report got snatched away by some unknown  dudes who wanted everyone to keep quiet. This whole thing messed with Brian’s head. It  reminded him of old stories about mysterious   spaces under Antarctica’s surface from Admiral  Byrd’s secret naval expedition in 1947. Brian  

Even risked solo flights over the anomaly, where  wild electrical stuff messed with his gear. On his last flight, before  they banned him from the zone,   Brian saw a silver disc chilling inside  the ice cave. Then, boom! The disc shot up,   blasted a crazy light, and  fried all of Brian’s gear.

After Brian and his plane finally got back on  track 20 minutes later, they discovered they   had landed 13 kilometers away from the strange  cave. Brian couldn’t recall how the plane moved   during the blackout. Despite attempts to  return to the coordinates, constant bad  

Weather and a strict no-fly zone meant he never  laid eyes on the Antarctic cave entrance again. In the years that followed, Brian quietly  connected with other pilots who confirmed   seeing silver discs near Antarctic bases. A  colleague stationed near Euler Peak even shared  

Proof of Unidentified Submerged Object activity  in the Weddell Sea, with metallic pods surfacing   and diving without a splash. Another friend got  hold of satellite thermal printouts showing heat   signatures under Wilkes Land, hinting at temporary  habitation bubbles or facilities. Comparing notes   painted a picture of covert activities  beneath miles of Antarctic ice, possibly  

Linked to the silver aircraft Brian witnessed  performing crazy moves over the glaciers. Today, the memories of those bizarre experiences  still haunt Brian at night. The truth,   whether frightening or amazing, weighs on him.  But Brian isn’t alone, there’s a growing group   of veterans in the know about Antarctica’s  mysteries, eager for disclosure. With space  

Agencies planning bases over Earth’s southern  pole, our civilization might have to face the   unsettling reality of what or who already  lives in Antarctica’s deepest corners. Brian’s story is the key to unlocking Antarctica’s  ultimate secret. It challenges our ideas about   human history and raises questions about our  place on a remarkably intelligent planet. Even  

If some revelations are tough, wisdom tells us  to embrace the truth in the collective light of   understanding rather than let it linger in the  darkness of ignorance and denial. Confronting   reality with an open yet discerning mind  is our best way forward in evolution. Parallel Accounts in History

Brian’s mind-blowing stories about  his Antarctic adventures strangely   echoed similar tales from decades ago by  the celebrated American polar explorer,   Admiral Richard Byrd. Byrd’s reputation  soared after leading groundbreaking air   expeditions over the North and South Poles  in 1926 and 1929, making him a national hero.

However, it was Byrd’s 1947 claim of stumbling  upon a massive entrance to a hidden underground   world during an Antarctic expedition that truly  stunned the post-war public. According to his   story, Byrd descended for miles over  ice-free lands teeming with mountains,   forests, vegetation, and even  gigantic animals. He was, however,  

Ordered to turn back by threatening disc-shaped  aircraft. When Byrd returned to the U.S.,   his incredible account was quickly suppressed  under mysterious pressure from authorities. Similar to Brian’s experience, Admiral Byrd  faced a swift campaign to confiscate records   and silence all expedition survivors about  any unusual Antarctic sightings. Byrd’s fame  

And credibility made it tough to discredit  his strange testimony. The orchestrators   of the Antarctic cover-up realized  that their usual tactics of ridicule   and denial wouldn’t work against  such a respected national figure. Byrd underwent documented interrogation  under U.S. Navy psychiatric observation   before abruptly retracting his story weeks later.  Expedition members, once vocal about Antarctica,  

Suddenly refused to comment, and Byrd  withdrew from public life for the rest   of his days. The government’s message was  crystal clear – reputations and lives were   on the line for anyone daring to  breach imposed confidentiality. Suppressing Byrd’s account only fueled greater  suspicion about what terrifying truth officials  

Were working so hard to hide. While authorities  dismissed Byrd’s admissions as polar delirium,   millions remained unconvinced, especially given  the stonewalled denials against an admired   pioneer adventurer. If Antarctica concealed  anything resembling Byrd’s descriptions of a   lush inner world with advanced disc  crafts and mammoth-sized creatures,   the implications for science,  history, and society were staggering.

Speculation initially focused on  perceived national security interests,   geostrategic competition for Antarctic  resources with rival superpowers,   and the desire to maintain a public perspective  of normalcy. The U.S. Navy likely feared Soviet   weaponization of a hidden Antarctic domain  against America’s Pacific vulnerability.   Scientific institutions dreaded revelations  about the mining existence of field theory  

Physics and advanced medicine for a century.  The political elite wished to avoid social   instability by disclosing that existing maps of  Earth’s geology were disturbingly incomplete. The immense secrecy imposed by several  leading governments following Byrd’s   suppressed account suggested interests  far beyond conventional nationalistic,   scientific, or ideological goals. Byrd’s  testimony hinted that Antarctica concealed  

Secrets challenging the entirety  of human knowledge and origins. Declassified FBI documents confirmed federal  surveillance on every member of Byrd’s 1947   expedition until their passing, showing  a security threat tied specifically to   their personal experiences rather than  just geopolitical security coincident   with the Cold War era. Clearly, authorities  understood that the implications of Byrd’s  

Admissions surpassed ordinary spatial  territoriality or technological advances. By timing the public release of his  extraordinary Antarctic revelations   while still stationed on the frozen continent,  Admiral Byrd likely aimed to establish dominance   over the narrative against suppression efforts by  authorities. This strategy initially succeeded,  

As American press circulated incredulous headlines  about the famous polar explorer discovering a lost   temperate world filled with advanced life  beyond Earth’s known South Pole borders. The illusion, however, shattered when Byrd  was forced to retract his statements under   confidentiality a few weeks later. This allowed  the government’s counter-offensive to tarnish  

His name, and Antarctica faded from public  interest for decades until new retired military   eyewitnesses like Brian emerged. Yet, the cracks  in the enforced Antarctic secrecy slowly widened. Brian’s incredible testimony of encountering  strange silver discs and a glowing ice cavern   deep beneath the Antarctic surface once  again echoed Admiral Byrd’s description  

Of vast hollowed interior domains filled  with peculiar crafts. The consistent   eyewitness accounts spanning decades,  now linked by Linda’s investigations,   built a bridge of credibility that  authorities have tirelessly tried to   demolish since the 1940s through media  manipulation and intimidation tactics. In contrast to Byrd’s era, where centralized mass  media control and unchecked technocratic elite  

Authority prevailed, today’s internet-powered  paradigm shift toward data democratization has   made the suppression of the Antarctic enigma  impossible. A global movement erupted on social   media around the hashtag, #AntarcticaTruth  campaign, spearheaded by Linda’s research,   challenging previous taboos surrounding  the icy continent’s concealed secrets.   These secrets were deemed implausible  for establishment circles to acknowledge,  

Yet too consistent over successive  generations of observers to dismiss. All this time, Antarctica’s opacity hid in plain  sight, reflected in world maps conspicuously   framing its vague outlines but leaving the  interior shrouded in an information void.   While scientists humorously discuss fully  mapping distant planetary bodies like Mars,  

They acknowledge their ignorance about the  vast Antarctic interface conditions that   separate Earth’s crust from its churning  outer core underneath the ice sheet. As one recent scientific study concluded, It  seems improbable that Amundsen and Scott could   have raced to the South Pole across hundreds  of miles of unexplored mountain ranges whose  

Existence never factored into their travel  plans. In simpler terms, whether due to   nuclear activity altering the Antarctic climate  or the cycles of civilizations rising and falling,   advanced species might have called  Antarctica home eons before mankind. Linda’s investigations repeatedly encountered a  coordinated campaign to keep the curtain lowered  

Over Antarctica’s transcendent secrets, passing  hands from military agencies to archaeological   establishments and connecting power centers  across continents through the decades. However,   as exiled scientists and defecting private  contractors consolidated testimonies for   public release, the enforced ignorance over  humanity’s southernmost frontier approached a   reckoning. What emerged next held promise  for uniting global society or fracturing  

Mankind irreparably based on collective  reactions to truths that chilled to the bone. Brian and Linda Howe’s work played a crucial role  in prying open access to Antarctica’s deepest   enigmas, revelations that soon held promise  to irrevocably alter society’s understanding   of itself across every core discipline and  institutionalized field of knowledge. As the ice  

Slowly recedes, so will structure secrecy over our  planet’s final frontier. But intellectual courage   and discretion must guide public interpretation  towards Revelation over retreat or denial. The opportunity glitters before humanity  to elevate its collective maturity through   wisdom rather than cower behind barricades  of instability from newly exposed realities.  

Confronting the full Antarctic truth with eyes  wide open holds seeds for unleashing elevation   or destruction upon ourselves. We stand  advised to choose our next steps carefully! Antarctica, the Coldest, Driest,  and Windiest Continent on the planet Antarctica, the massive icy wonderland at the  end of the Earth, has always been a bit of a  

Mystery to us humans. It is a colossal chunk of  ice that’s about 32.5 million square miles big,   making it the coldest, driest,  and windiest place on the planet. Now, you might think with all that icy real  estate, Antarctica would be bustling with people,  

Right? Well, not quite. It’s home  to less than 10,000 brave souls,   mostly scientists and researchers, who  face the wild weather to uncover the   secrets hidden in its frosty embrace. And let  me tell you, it gets seriously cold down there   like a mind-boggling -56.2 degrees Fahrenheit,  with the coldest days hitting a bone-chilling  

-128.2 degrees Fahrenheit! That’s colder  than your ex’s heart on Valentine’s Day. The winds in Antarctica are like something  out of this world, blasting at speeds faster   than a cheetah can run, 186 Miles per hour,  to be exact. Add in relentless snowstorms  

That can stick around for weeks, and you’ve got  yourself an environment that’s tough as nails. Beneath all that ice, Antarctica holds secrets  that mess with our history books. Way back in   the 1500s, the Peri Reis map showed Antarctica  way before we officially discovered it in 1820.  

How did those ancient mapmakers know about this  frozen wonderland, and why were they so spot-on   in their drawings? It’s a mystery that keeps  historians and scientists scratching their heads. Even though it might sound like a desolate  place, Antarctica’s isolation has actually   kept it squeaky clean. Thanks to  the Antarctic Treaty signed in 1959,  

It’s like a no-go zone for any major  human activity. Twelve nations got   together and decided to use it for science. So,  Antarctica is like the VIP section of the Earth,   reserved for top-notch research on climate and  atmosphere without any pollution or city noise.

In a nutshell, Antarctica is like  the ultimate ice kingdom, a frozen   wonderland that’s both crazy challenging  and mind-blowingly mysterious. And it’s   doing a pretty good job staying pristine,  thanks to some international agreements. Additionally, the extreme cold has preserved  ancient meteorites and microbial lifeforms that  

Provide glimpses into our solar system’s distant  past. Meteorites offer precious extraterrestrial   material to analyze the formation of our solar  system over 4.6 billion years ago. Meanwhile,   scientists have discovered microfossils and  extremophiles buried deep in Antarctic ice   that reveal remarkable evolutionary  tales of survival and adaptation,   expanding our understanding of life’s tenacity.

Beyond its research value, Antarctica evokes a  sense of grandeur and inspiration that few places   on Earth can parallel. Its glacial landscapes  create sights of profound beauty, from electric   blue ice caves to braided ice rivers that flow  silently toward the sea. Standing in Antarctica  

Is no ordinary experience; it is surreal and  emotional, blending the continent’s stunning   beauty with its icy, isolated vibe. People  have tried to capture this magic through art,   photos, poems, and stories, but it’s like  trying to catch lightning in a bottle.

Here’s the problem, though – this magical place  is at risk. Antarctica plays a crucial role in   keeping our climate and weather in check. Its ice  sheets are like the Earth’s own water reserve,   and its chilly waters are a big deal for global  weather patterns. Sadly, rising temperatures  

Are messing with Antarctica’s cool, causing more  surface melting and making some areas unstable. Scientists are waving red flags, warning that  climate change could mess up the balance of   life in Antarctica and make sea levels  rise. With over 250 billion metric tons   of ice disappearing each year, there’s  a real worry about keeping Antarctica’s  

Ecosystem safe. Plans like creating  protected areas, setting fishing rules,   and keeping tabs on penguins and whales aim  to protect the critters teetering on the edge. On top of all this, there’s a bit of drama  over who gets to claim what in Antarctica.  

Big countries like Russia, China, and the U.S.  are eyeing the place for its hidden treasures,   minerals, and oil under all that ice. The  1959 Antarctic Treaty was supposed to keep   things chill, but it’s feeling the heat  as countries get greedy for resources.

The big question is, can we keep Antarctica’s  cool vibe while dealing with climate change,   global politics, and human dreams of  striking it rich? Some folks want to   keep it wild and protected, while others  are itching to cash in on its resources.  

It’s like a cosmic tug-of-war between  saving the planet and making a quick buck. Despite all the chaos, Antarctica keeps its  cool. Its unique creatures have figured out   how to survive crazy winters, and its  ancient mountains have seen it all.   There’s still so much we don’t know about  this icy wonderland—strange geography,  

Wild weather, and the secrets of  creatures that thrive in extremes. Antarctica is like a mysterious treasure  chest, and maybe hidden in its ice is   the key to understanding just how tough life  can be. As the legendary explorer Sir Ernest  

Shackleton once said, we need to dig deeper  and challenge what we think we know about   polar survival. Antarctica’s got stories  to tell, and we’re just getting started. Earth’s Isolated Continent Antarctica isn’t just a frozen chunk of land; it’s  a breathtaking masterpiece that showcases Earth’s  

Raw and unfiltered beauty. This icy wonderland is  like no other place, capturing imaginations and   stirring awe in those lucky enough to witness its  grandeur. Think about the electric blue ice caves,   lit up by frozen microbes, and glaciers weaving  their way to the sea in a braided design,  

Antarctica’s visuals are like a wonderland  that leaves a lasting impression on your soul. People who’ve stood on Antarctica’s surface  say it’s an otherworldly experience. Despite   the isolation and cold, there’s an undeniable  beauty in the air. Massive tabular icebergs,   sculpted into abstract shapes, float along  the currents. Snow petrels and Antarctic terns  

Gracefully glide above cracks and crevasses, their  ethereal dance accompanied by the wind’s whisper. Through cameras, pens, and paintings, humans  have tried to capture Antarctica’s magic.   Iconic images like Earthrise, revealing  our planet as a floating oasis in space,   or documentaries like March of the Penguins,  showcasing the quirky charm of Emperor penguins,  

Have turned Antarctica into a muse for  talented creators. Works like The White   Darkness and The Worst Journey in the World  tell gripping tales of polar exploration,   showcasing Antarctica’s grandeur and its  unforgiving nature during the Heroic Age. Nowadays, adventurers hop on Antarctic  cruises to witness wildlife found nowhere  

Else on Earth against backdrops of ice and  rock too beautiful for words. Imagine coming   face-to-face with curious penguins, unafraid  as they waddle on volcanic beaches between icy   waters and towering cliffs frozen in time.  And let’s not forget the Southern Lights,   Earth’s celestial masterpiece, casting  vibrant ribbons of green and violet  

Across the night sky, creating  a hypnotic, otherworldly spell. A single glimpse of Antarctica’s splendor  reveals a dimension of beauty and rarity at   our planet’s poles. As explorer Wally Herbert  once said, No place on Earth has provoked such   heightened emotions as the starkly beautiful  Antarctic Peninsula. Preserving Antarctica  

Isn’t just about the planet’s health; it’s about  safeguarding a precious gem at the bottom of   the world that sparks human imagination through  its sheer beauty. Nature’s masterpiece, indeed! Understanding Antarctica’s Subglacial World Antarctica isn’t just a pretty face—it’s got  hidden mysteries beneath its icy surface that  

Are like untouched treasure waiting to  be explored. The Antarctic ice sheet,   holding a whopping 70 percent of Earth’s  freshwater, hides a secret world of lakes,   rivers, and canyons. This icy continent  forms the biggest chunk of ice on the   planet, and we’ve only scratched the  surface of what’s going on down there.

Thanks to fancy satellite imagery and  ice-penetrating radars, scientists have   started uncovering this hidden world. Imagine a  maze of water systems silently flowing beneath   miles of ice. It’s like a secret aquatic kingdom,  and we’re only just starting to figure out what’s   happening in this frozen labyrinth. The  big question is whether there are unique  

Microbes down there, adapted to extreme  cold and darkness, living their best life. One of the most popular of this hidden world  is Lake Vostok, the largest subglacial lake on   Earth. Russian scientists had a hunch about it  in the 1960s, but it took until the late 1990s  

To confirm its existence. Imagine a freshwater  bubble trapped under 13,000 feet of ice, untouched   by the atmosphere for over 20 million years!  The conditions there are as harsh as it gets,   like something out of a sci-fi movie. Scientists  are curious if tiny life forms adapted to Lake  

Vostok could give us clues about the possibility  of life on other planets that are just as tough. So, Antarctica isn’t just stunning on the outside,   it’s got a whole hidden world beneath its  icy exterior that’s begging to be explored.  What are your opinions and views on these  Antarctica mysteries? Leave your comment below,  

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Video “Antartica SHUT DOWN By The US After Drone Captures What No One Was Supposed To See” was uploaded on 02/09/2024 to Youtube Channel Cosmos Lab