The BBC News reports that OpenAI’s latest Chat-GPT version is capable of teaching math and flirting. – Video

The BBC News reports that OpenAI’s latest Chat-GPT version is capable of teaching math and flirting. – Video

OpenAI’s latest version of its AI chatbot, ChatGPT, has just been unveiled, and it is impressively advanced. GPT-40, as it is called, has the ability to see, hear, and talk in a way that closely resembles human conversation. This new feature allows users to interact with the chatbot in a more natural and engaging way.

One interesting aspect of this new version is its capability to teach math. In a demo, the chatbot was able to help a user solve a math equation by explaining the process step by step. This shows the potential for AI technology to not only assist with everyday tasks but also to educate and teach new skills.

Additionally, the chatbot has been programmed to have a playful and flirtatious tone in its responses, adding a fun and interactive element to the user experience. With its ability to speak and understand 50 different languages, ChatGPT is set to become even more accessible and widely used around the world.

Overall, OpenAI’s new version of ChatGPT is a significant advancement in the field of generative AI, and it will be interesting to see how this technology continues to evolve and enhance various aspects of our daily lives.

Watch the video by BBC News

Video “OpenAI’s new version of Chat-GPT can teach maths and flirt | BBC News” was uploaded on 05/14/2024 to Youtube Channel BBC News