New Ukrainian Weapons: Ground Vehicle D-21-11 – Killer Robot, MedEvac, and Frontline Delivery System – Video

New Ukrainian Weapons: Ground Vehicle D-21-11 – Killer Robot, MedEvac, and Frontline Delivery System – Video

The Ukrainian armed forces are embracing the use of ground vehicles to enhance their operations in the ongoing war. Among these is the D-21-11, a versatile robot that serves as a killer robot, a MedEvac, and a frontline delivery system. This innovative technology is bringing much-needed relief to soldiers who have been engaged in combat for several years.

The D-21-11 can be outfitted with a machine gun for offensive maneuvers, but it also plays a crucial role in evacuating wounded or fallen soldiers from the battlefield. Additionally, it can transport essential supplies to troops on the front lines, ensuring they have the resources they need to continue their fight for freedom.

As Ukraine continues to face the challenges of war, the use of UGVs like the D-21-11 is proving to be a game-changer for the country’s armed forces. By integrating advanced technology into their military operations, Ukraine is strengthening its position on the battlefield and improving the safety and efficiency of its troops.

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Video “Ukrainian New Weapons. Ground Vehicle D-21-11: Killer Robot, MedEvac and Frontline Delivery System” was uploaded on 06/15/2024 to Youtube Channel UNITED24