Honoring Kerstin Olsson in our 50th year of celebration – Video

Honoring Kerstin Olsson in our 50th year of celebration – Video

In celebration of our 50th anniversary, ABB Robotics is shining a spotlight on one of our esteemed employees, Kerstin Olsson. With a career spanning 39 years at our robotics factory in Västerås, Sweden, Kerstin reflects on the evolution of the industry and her experiences working for a global company. Starting in 1985, she witnessed firsthand the entrepreneurial spirit and excitement of the robotics field, surrounded by young and enthusiastic colleagues. Throughout her time at ABB, Kerstin has embraced the opportunities for growth and skill development, taking advantage of courses and changing roles within the company.

In her interview, Kerstin emphasizes the importance of embracing technology in the industry, highlighting the positive impact automation has on society. She dispels fears of robots replacing human jobs, instead focusing on the need for optimization and development in order to drive progress. As she looks towards the future, Kerstin sees robotics as a key player in shaping the world ahead, offering endless possibilities for innovation and advancement. Join us in celebrating Kerstin Olsson and her remarkable contributions to ABB Robotics as we honor our 50 years of excellence.

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Author Video Description

In our 50th anniversary year we want to share the stories of our employees, and we start with Kerstin Olsson, Senior Project Manager at our robotics factory in Västerås, Sweden. Find out what Kerstin has to say about her 39 year career at ABB Robotics, and her perspective on the future for robotics and automation.

Video “Celebrating Kerstin Olsson in our 50th anniversary year” was uploaded on 03/26/2024 to Youtube Channel ABB Robotics