Winners of the ABB Value Provider Awards 2023 – Europe – Video

Winners of the ABB Value Provider Awards 2023 – Europe – Video

The ABB Value Provider Awards 2023 – Europe WINNERS have been announced, and we have some outstanding companies to celebrate! The awards recognize the incredible accomplishments of ABB’s value provider Network, highlighting the innovative technologies and industrial application expertise that these partners bring to the table.

The winners in various categories include INTEC ROBOTIC SOLUTIONS S.P.A. from Italy for the Lifetime Achievement Award, RobWelding B.V. from the Netherlands for Outstanding Performance, Teqram B.V. from the Netherlands for Most Innovative Solution, Geku Automation / Grey parrot re-cycling from the UK for Sustainability, and R.AUTOMATIC AB from Sweden for Best Cobot Application.

These companies have demonstrated exceptional creativity, resourcefulness, and outstanding growth and achievement, making them well-deserved winners of the ABB Value Provider Awards. Their contributions to the field of robotics and automation have made a significant impact, and they have set a high standard for excellence and innovation. Congratulations to all the winners! We can’t wait to see what next year will bring as we celebrate more accomplishments from our valued partners.

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Get your popcorn ready and join us for a special awards ceremony!
Today we announce the winners of our ABB Value Provider Awards 2023 in Europe.

The winners are:
🥇 INTEC ROBOTIC SOLUTIONS S.P.A. (Italy) for winning Lifetime Achievement Award
🥇 RobWelding B.V. (Netherlands) for winning Outstanding Performance Award
🥇 Teqram B.V. (Netherlands) for winning the Most Innovative Solution Award
🥇 Geku Automation / Grey parrot re-cycling (UK) for winning the Sustainability Award
🥇 R.AUTOMATIC AB (Sweden) for winning the Best Cobot Application award


Video “ABB Value Provider Awards 2023 – Europe WINNERS” was uploaded on 01/10/2024 to Youtube Channel ABB Robotics