“Winners of the 2023 ABB Value Provider Awards – Americas” – Video

“Winners of the 2023 ABB Value Provider Awards – Americas” – Video

The ABB Value Provider Awards 2023 for the Americas was a celebration of innovation, excellence, and partnership within ABB’s value provider network. The awards recognized the outstanding achievements and contributions of ABB’s partners in various categories.

Relocalize Inc. from Canada was the deserving winner of the Sustainability Award for their innovative microfactory that reduces waste and emissions, while also conserving resources. Lincoln Electric Automation from the US received the Best Cobot Application award for their revolutionary interface for robotically welding, showcasing their commitment to simplicity and ease of use.

The Most Innovative Solution award was presented to UNLIMITED ELECTRO AUTOMATION AND CONTROLS, INC from Mexico for their groundbreaking fusion of ABB Robotics and artificial intelligence, redefining bathtub manufacturing. Automation IG from the US was recognized with the Outstanding Performance award for their exceptional growth and achievements in providing innovative automated welding solutions.

The much-coveted Lifetime Achievement Award went to Propack Processing & Packaging Systems Inc. from Canada, honoring their nearly two-decade partnership with ABB and their remarkable accomplishments in the field of robotics.

Congratulations to all the winners of the ABB Value Provider Awards 2023 for the Americas, your dedication and accomplishments have set a high standard for the industry and we look forward to celebrating more achievements in the future.

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Now let us all join to congratulate the winners of our ABB Value Provider #Awards 2023 from the Americas.

🥇 Propack Processing & Packaging Systems Inc. (Canada) for winning Lifetime Achievement Award
🥇 Automation IG (US) for winning Outstanding Performance Award
🥇 UNLIMITED ELECTRO AUTOMATION AND CONTROLS, INC (Mexico) for winning the Most Innovative Solution Award
🥇 Relocalize (CA) for winning the Sustainability Award
🥇 Lincoln Electric Automation (US) for winning the Best Cobot Application award

Congratulations all!

Video “ABB Value Provider Awards 2023 – Americas WINNERS” was uploaded on 01/10/2024 to Youtube Channel ABB Robotics