“We Have Made More Progress Than You Realize! – A Revolution in Robotics” – Video

“We Have Made More Progress Than You Realize! – A Revolution in Robotics” – Video

Robots have become an integral part of our world today, with companies like Amazon deploying over 750,000 mobile robots across its operations worldwide. Boston Dynamics and Tesla’s Optimus are just a few examples of the amazing capabilities of robots in today’s society. The number of innovative companies in the robotics space is increasing rapidly, with new advancements and projects emerging regularly.

From humanoid robots helping with everyday chores to robot workers in factories, the possibilities with robotics are endless. Labs and universities are constantly conducting groundbreaking research to teach machines in cheaper and faster ways, such as using powerful computers or enabling robots to teach themselves.

We’re on the cusp of a new era in robotics, where robots are reshaping industries, enhancing human capabilities, and potentially redefining the way we live and work in the 21st century. The future of robotics is not just coming—it’s already here. As we continue to advance in robotics technology, the possibilities are endless, and the impact on society could be monumental. Let’s embrace this new era in robotics and see where it takes us.

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Video Transcript

The robots are coming! Or maybe the robots are  already here. If you’re not in the robotics space   or are not actively checking for it, you might  be surprised to learn how integrated robots have   become in certain corners of our world today.  Amazon already has over 750,000 mobile robots  

Deployed across its operations worldwide. We’re  already seeing amazing labs showing the incredible   capabilities of their robots. Boston Dynamics  has been the most popular robotics company,   and Tesla’s Optimus joined the party not long  ago. But in the last year or so, the number of  

Innovative companies that have sprung up  is nothing to scoff at. In another video,   we discussed robots actively involved in war. In  this video, we’ll talk more about the humanoid   robots that help with our everyday chores, as well  as robot workers in factories. If you’re ready to  

Explore the land of intelligent walking machines,  then so am I. Let’s dive in the right way. Before we discuss the exciting humanoids out  there and what their various capabilities are,   let’s first glance at some of the exciting  research happening in some of the top  

Universities and labs across the world. Goat  is a robot that is basically a roomba with a   hand and understands directions. You ask it to  locate an item, and it maps out its environment   to locate either the fruit basket that was  requested or the cup on the coffee table. One  

Of the main issues with robotics is the time  it takes to gather high quality data to train   robots. Labs are finding cheaper and faster ways  of teaching machines. For example, Meta’s Dobb-E   only requires 5 minutes of demonstration, while  Aloha from Stanford University can execute more  

Complex tasks that involve a lot of movement  at a cheaper scale. Another way to train robots   is to do it on very powerful computers. That’s  how the folks at the University of California,   Berkeley, trained their humanoid robot. They ran  different training samples on GPU clusters that  

Were equivalent to 10 billion sessions a day. In  some sense, it shows you how dumb robots still   are. Requiring billions of training sessions  to be able to walk in the wild seems so absurd,   but the rate at which these robots are advancing  is nothing short of breathtaking. Nowadays,  

Labs are also enabling robots to teach themselves.  Google Deepmind’s AutoRT uses large language   models and visual context to understand their  surroundings and perform tasks in the real world   through trial and error. AutoRT manages up to  20 robots simultaneously and has produced 77,000  

Trials across over 6,000 tasks. Imagine walking  in a room full of robots perfecting their craft,   that’s exactly what AutoRT does. These are all  fascinating projects I would like to explore,   but we do have even more interesting humanoids  to discuss in this video. We’ll talk about a  

Few more robots before we get to the likes of  Neo and Figure 01. I’m building momentum here.   Stanford’s NOIR is also another project I talked  about in one of our videos. You basically control   a robot with your brain. You can perform a host  of household activities, including even petting a  

Robot dog, all based on signals from the brain.  This is especially essential for people with   neuromuscular problems or physical injuries in  the future. Agility and dexterity are also crucial   in robot development. Boston Dynamics has been  great at it over the last decade and more. Here,  

We have an example of Carnegie Mellon’s robot  that is trained to open all kinds of doors,   similar to Boston Dynamic’s Spot. ABS is another  robot from the university that can move quickly   and safely in messy places. Unlike older methods  that were either slow to avoid accidents or fast  

But risky, ABS teaches robots to move fast  without hitting things or people. It is able   to switch between speeds, all based on what  it learns. This way, robots can zip around   both indoors and outdoors, avoiding both still  and moving obstacles. Another lab from Tokyo,  

Integrated GPT-4 with its Alter3 humanoid  bot, which allows it to perform spontaneous   motions. It can pose like it’s taking a selfie  or pretending to be a ghost, without needing   specific programming for each motion. It’s a bit  creepy, to be quite honest. We’re pretty much  

Deep in the uncanny valley with this one. We’ve  discussed 9 robots across different labs, so this   should give you a sense of the types of problems  scientists and engineers are solving in the field.  Now we’ll discuss four humanoids that  are leading the pack commercially. We’re  

Excluding Tesla and Boston Dynamics since  they already have a ton of coverage online.  Let’s begin with MagicBot. MagicLab’s humanoid  robot showcases skills like marshmallow roasting,   magic tricks, and dancing. MagicBot has great  object manipulation capabilities. The lab also  

Shows how its robot can do a flip similar to  Boston Dynamic’s, although this one is without its   upper body. Not much info has been released about  the project, but I’ll keep an eye out for it.  Next up, we have the smiling robot from Norway.  1x Labs has been making significant strides in  

The development of humanoid robots, particularly  with its latest models, EVE and NEO. Here we see   EVE packing items or cleaning up a living room.  The company has support from OpenAI and focuses on   creating robots for a variety of applications,  including household chores, factory work and  

Security purposes​​​​. 1x teamed up with Everon  to provide 140 security androids as a way to   increase safety and address worker turnover. The  androids patrol the assigned areas and monitor the   environment through high-quality camera feeds. In  case of emergency, a worker can take control of a  

Robot through VR teleoperation, allowing remote  operators to control and interact with them from   any location worldwide. Their EVE android is 6’2”  and can go up to 6 hours on a single charge. NEO   on the other hand, is 5’4” and can operate between  2 to 4 hours. Neo is their bipedal android still  

In development. It’s body is engineered with a  muscle-like anatomy instead of rigid hydraulics,   so they can be strong and gentle like humans are. The company recently completed a $100 million   Series B funding round. This goes to show you how  much hope and confidence investors have in the  

Future of robotics. EVE is currently available for  purchase, ranging from 1 robot to an entire fleet.  Agility Robotics, based in Oregon, is another  company focused on developing advanced   robotic systems. Their 5’9” robot, Digit, is a  groundbreaking bipedal robot designed for a range  

Of applications, particularly in logistics and  warehouse operations. Digit is one of the early   humanoid robots planned to be deployed en masse  for work in warehouses and distribution centres,   capable of moving seamlessly in human-designed  spaces. The company recently announced the   opening of RoboFab, a manufacturing facility  dedicated to producing up to 10,000 robots a  

Year. That’s an insane number of robots,  if you think about it. Digit is being   tested to assist in Amazon warehouse operations,  particularly in recycling totes. This is further   evidence of Amazon’s commitment to having more  autonomous agents throughout its supply chain. 

The final company we’ll talk about today is  Figure AI. The company has emerged as one of   the leading robotics companies to watch  out for. Their maiden robot, Figure 01,   is designed to accomplish general tasks. With  the help of neural networks, the robot can map  

Out the steps to accomplish a task until it gets  it right. In this video, it learned to make coffee   by watching humans. Figure AI has the backing  of some big investors like OpenAI, Jeff Bezos,   Microsoft, and Nvidia. Maybe these companies know  a lot more about Figure 01 than the rest of us. 

They recently raised 675 million dollars from  their all-star investors, valuing the company   at 2.6 billion dollars. That’s a lot of money. The  funding aims to fast-track the robot’s launch and   commercialization for general-purpose work capable  of learning and interacting with its environment,  

In contrast to the specialized robots produced  by other companies​​. Figure AI also has a   partnership with BMW to deploy its humanoid robots  in the car maker’s facility in the U.S. Over the   next few years, we’ll see more factories sign  these types of deals. Robots don’t get tired,  

Don’t have to go home and are only limited  by the down times when they have to charge.   Figure AI has a master plan. They want  to eventually have their robots take on   undesirable and dangerous jobs in factories.  They want to take care of the elderly,  

And have the robots in our homes. In the  distant future, they want to deploy robots   into space to explore new worlds. All our sci-fi  fantasies are unfolding right before our eyes. We still have a long way to go. There are still  several issues with robots today. They’re slow,  

Can only perform limited actions, and they’re  still expensive. Goldman researchers already   estimate current rates between $30,000 and  $150,000 per unit, down from a range of $50,000   to $250,000 per unit last year. Costs will come  down. Robots will be faster with efficient models  

Like what Google Deepmind developed in SARA-RT.  Here’s Tesla’s Optimus, which is 30% faster and   22 pounds lighter than the previous version. It’s  expected that the humanoid robot market will reach   $38 billion by 2035, and more than 250,000 units  could be shipped in 2030. The obvious dilemma is  

How this will affect jobs in the future. What  about safety guardrails to protect humans in   case of unforeseen circumstances? The hope is  that humans will transition into other jobs   that don’t require a lot of manual and  repetitive tasks. A gradual and smooth  

Transition of the workforce is what’s important  here. Imagine a few years from now, when Amazon   suddenly deploys millions of robots across its  factories. Where do all the displaced workers go ? Robots will be an everyday norm soon. As we stand  on the brink of technological advancements that  

Once seemed like mere fantasies, it’s clear that  the future of robotics is not just coming—it’s   already here, reshaping industries, enhancing  human capabilities, and potentially redefining   the way we live and work in the 21st century. Let me know what you think.  Thanks for watching Beyond TodAI.  Until the next video, It’s Goodbye!

Video “We’ve Come Farther Than You Think! – A New Era in Robotics” was uploaded on 03/03/2024 to Youtube Channel Beyond TodAI