Tim Fu and Sora’s Showcase – Video

Tim Fu and Sora’s Showcase – Video

The video titled “Tim Fu · Sora Showcase” provides a glimpse into the innovative use of artificial intelligence in the field of architecture. Tim Fu, a designer and founder of @StudioTimFu, shares his experience with Sora, a cutting-edge AI system that is transforming the way architects conceptualize and visualize their designs.

Through Sora, architects like Tim Fu are able to explore and bring to life complex architectural concepts with unparalleled ease and speed. By utilizing generative visualization, Sora enables designers to focus on the foundational aspects of their designs, such as spatial quality and materiality, rather than getting bogged down in the production of visuals.

As Sora continues to undergo rigorous safety testing and development, it is gradually being made available to a select group of creatives, including digital VFX pioneers, choreographers, and engineering artists. These individuals are pushing the boundaries of what is possible with AI, shaping the future of design and creativity.

Watch the video by OpenAI

Video “Tim Fu · Sora Showcase” was uploaded on 07/18/2024 to Youtube Channel OpenAI