Tammy Lovin presents the Sora Showcase – Video

Tammy Lovin presents the Sora Showcase – Video

The latest video in the Sora Showcase series features digital artist and creative director, Tammy Lovin, who specializes in 3D and emerging technology within XR and AI. In the video, Tammy discusses her experience using Sora and how it has revolutionized her creative process.

Tammy describes the collaboration with Sora as a form of teamwork, where she feels like she is co-creating with the AI. She explains how using Sora has allowed her to bring to life the surreal visuals and montages that have been brewing in her imagination since childhood. For Tammy, working with Sora feels like magic, as she is finally able to turn her visions into reality.

The video showcases the stunning visuals created by Tammy using Sora, emphasizing the power and potential of AI in the creative process. While access to Sora is limited during the safety testing phase, artists like Tammy are pushing the boundaries of what is possible with this innovative technology.

Watch the video by OpenAI

Video “Tammy Lovin · Sora Showcase” was uploaded on 07/16/2024 to Youtube Channel OpenAI