OpenAI chatbot’s resemblance to Scarlett Johansson causes uproar, experts claim | ABC News – Video

OpenAI chatbot’s resemblance to Scarlett Johansson causes uproar, experts claim | ABC News – Video

OpenAI’s latest chatbot, Sky, has caused quite a stir in the AI world due to its striking resemblance to actress Scarlett Johansson’s character in the movie Her. The controversial likeness has sparked a debate within the AI community, leading to the suspension of the chatbot’s voice by its developer.

The uncanny similarity between Sky’s voice and Scarlett Johansson’s has raised questions about the ethics of using celebrity voices for AI technology. Some have expressed concerns about potential copyright issues and the implications of creating virtual entities that closely resemble real individuals.

Scarlett Johansson herself has been shocked by the resemblance, highlighting the need for careful consideration when developing AI technology that mimics human voices. The debate surrounding Sky’s voice serves as a reminder of the complexities and ethical considerations involved in the advancement of artificial intelligence.

As the conversation continues to unfold, it is important to consider the potential impact of using celebrity likenesses in AI technology and the importance of respecting individuals’ rights and identities in the digital realm.

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Video “OpenAI chatbot’s voice sparks controversy over likeness to Scarlett Johansson | ABC News” was uploaded on 05/21/2024 to Youtube Channel ABC News (Australia)