Official music video for “Worldweight” created by August Kamp and Sora. – Video

Official music video for “Worldweight” created by August Kamp and Sora. – Video

The Worldweight Official Music Video is a stunning visual representation of August Kamp’s emotional journey in creating this beautiful piece of music. The video, made by August Kamp with Sora, perfectly captures the essence and depth of the song.

In the video description, August Kamp reflects on the process of creating the music almost two years ago, recalling the feelings and emotions that went into each note. He describes how he poured his heart and soul into the song, using his synthesizer to bring his vision to life.

With Sora’s help, August Kamp was able to translate the images and emotions in his mind into a captivating visual experience. The video allows viewers to see the song through August’s eyes, connecting them to the raw emotion and personal meaning behind the music.

Overall, the Worldweight Official Music Video is a testament to the power of music and visuals in conveying deep emotions and personal experiences. It is a true work of art that allows the audience to connect with the artist on a profound level.

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Video Transcript

Video “Worldweight Official Music Video • Made by August Kamp with Sora” was uploaded on 04/03/2024 to Youtube Channel OpenAI