Future Robots and Inventions that will Revolutionize the World – Video

Future Robots and Inventions that will Revolutionize the World – Video

The world of robotics and inventions is advancing at an incredible pace, with creations that are indistinguishable from real human organs or facial features becoming a reality. Engineer Will Cogley’s animatronic heart, created using 3D printing technology, operates with astonishing hyperrealism, mimicking the movements of a real human heart. This innovation not only serves as a visually impressive prop but also provides a deeper understanding of the inner workings of this crucial organ.

Additionally, the 3D-printed living tissues of the human brain developed by researchers at the University of Wisconsin and Madison open up new possibilities for studying neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. The ability to replicate and study brain functions on a cellular level will undoubtedly lead to groundbreaking discoveries in the field of neuroscience.

Furthermore, the hyperrealistic masks created by Kena Omo, which allow individuals to try on the face of someone else, showcase the unbelievable advancements in facial replication technology. With the potential for mass production and expansion to include faces of different ethnic groups, these masks could become a commonplace accessory in the future.

Moreover, the story of Tilly Locki, the first English teenager with bionic prosthesis, serves as a testament to the life-changing impact of technological advancements in the medical field. Her bionic hands, controlled by muscle sensors, enable her to perform delicate movements and everyday tasks with ease, showcasing the power of innovation in improving the quality of life for individuals with disabilities.

In conclusion, the next generation robots and inventions highlighted in this video are not just technological marvels but have the potential to revolutionize the way we live and interact with the world around us. From hyperrealistic organs to advanced prosthetics, these creations are paving the way for a future where humanity and technology coexist in harmony, leading to incredible advancements in various fields.

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Video Transcript

This animatronic heart is indistinguishable from the real one engineer will cogley has created a unique three-dimensional human heart 3D printed with astonishing hyperrealism the extremely realistic creation operates on three Servo drives controlled by Arduino while the heart plays a vital role few of us have witnessed its beating in real life

Typically due to trauma or a serious operation however if you want to acquire an amazingly realistic working model model of this crucial organ will cogley demonstrates how he created his own the remarkable animatronic heart is made of silicone and coated with special fake blood for added authenticity inside two

Servo drives push the left and right lower parts of the heart in a displaced sinusoidal sequence then instantly return the third Servo Drive pushes out the upper part of the heart replicating the movement of the two lower parts and completes the beating effect control of this three-dimensional device is

Achieved using an Arduino micro board and an outof fruit i2c Servo driver with a user interface allowing adjustment of the heartbeat speed via a potentiometer power is supplied through a cable at the back allowing it to stay on a table or be held without losing its effect if you

Find this too realistic cogi has also designed a much simpler model using only a motor mechanism and a cam to incrementally push out heart sections encased in a heart-shaped fabric shell and powered by a battery this version is more of a playful novelty than a intimidating prop American American scientists have

Successfully 3D printed living tissues of the human brain for the first time researchers from the University of Wisconsin and Madison have developed models of the brain’s cortex and striatum which grow and function similarly to real tissues however their goal is not transplantation but rather the study of the functions of the human

Body’s main organ and various neurological disorders scientists explain that the key to success lies in the special density of bio- inks and horizontal printing providing cells with the necessary oxygen and nutrients this 3D brain model will facilitate a deeper exploration of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s as

Well as developmental pathologies of the nervous system professor of neurobiology and neurology at the waysman center suun Jang emphasizes that this technology will help scientists better understand the interaction between cells and different parts of the human brain he is confident that the achievements of his team will lead to a reconsideration of

Scientific Concepts in stem cell biology neurobiology and the pathogenesis of many neurological and psychiatric disorders DJ du a talented Japanese artist and DJ has unveiled his latest Creations realistic fragments of the human body that respond to touch in his collection you’ll find not only iPhone cases covered in human-like skin and DJ

Controllers in the same format but also amazing accessories such as a mouth shaped wallet in different variations videos featuring DJ’s New Creations are popping up on his Instagram account capturing the attention of fans and art enthusiasts one unique feature of some models is the ability to respond to touch for example

A leather cube with a human eye comes with a controller that allows you to control the blink frequency the width of the eye opening and much more the price of these items is around $5,000 but customers are ready to pay for their uniqueness and quality currently there are about 30 different creations made

From something like human skin and flesh the company responsible for creating these works of art is Juro specializing in special design and modeling for movies and commercials these amazing accessories find buyers not only in Japan but also Beyond its borders many well-known creative Personalities in the west happily add these practical works

Of art to their collections would you like to purchase something Similar recently the startup clone robotics released a video showcasing Trials of its humanoid robot specifically its hands the company aims to create the most human-like Android and currently their hands are making quite an impression artificial muscles responsible for movement and strength consist of hollow tubes wrapped in meshik casings they are filled with

Liquid through which a powerful heating element passes when the element is energized it rapidly heats the liquid increasing pressure in the tubes this allows the hydraulic drive to flex and extend muscles without using a bulky pump the artificial hands bones closely mimic the structure of human limbs

Joints provide an almost human range of motion the developers claim that the robotic hand has 27 degrees of freedom including wrist and thumb movements as clone robotics currently focuses on developing hands they plan to start supplying them to interested customers however they are hoping for funding to

Create a torso with a spine and 124 muscles currently there are no discussions about legs in Japan Innovative 3D masks have emerged designed for people to try on the face of someone else the store Kena omo specializing in props for theater and Cinema developed hyperrealistic models that perfectly replicate the

Human face these masks are so precise that they cannot be distinguished from a real face except for the immobile lips and the Frozen gaze the technology used to create the masks allows for the even distribution of a person’s facial photograph onto the plastic surface of the mask the store owner shui okawara

Reported that since the Project’s launch he has received several thousand requests from individuals willing to provide their portraits for mask production the models have been on sale since spring 2021 priced at around $950 despite the high cost there is tremendous demand for them and okawara is confident that this is just the

Beginning he plans to expand the range by including models with the faces of people from different ethnic groups okawara also notes that he can establish mass production and release approximately 100 identical models per month he asserts that many people desire to have a copy of their own face and are

Willing to financially support the project in his opinion The Masks pose no threat and could become a commonplace accessory in the future Tilly locki is the first English teenager with bionic prosthesis born in County Durham United Kingdom Tilly lost both hands at just 15 months old due to

A menitis infection today Tilly serves as a model and activist traveling the world and drawing attention to the issue of menitis which nearly claimed her life in childhood her bionic hands are controlled by muscle sensors allowing her to control finger movements when I tense my muscles the fingers Bend and

When I relax they straighten explains Tilly about her technological adaptation she notes that her bionic hands enable her to perform very delicate movements such as opening jars or using cosmetic brushes when Tilly first tried applying makeup it was challenging for her as she lacked muscle memory on how to properly

Hold objects my makeup tutorial on YouTube generated a lot of interest because people found my achievements impressive and wanted to know how I do it says Tilly she emphasizes the crucial role of social media where her followers took notice of her not only can engineer will cogley boast about his hyperrealistic heart but

He also creates animatronic eyes on a 3D printer that astonish with their scary realism the key to crafting quality animatronics lies in realistic movement and appearance even with the most advanced drives and mechanisms the effect can be spoiled if your character looks like a mannequin conversely a character may appear extremely realistic

At rest but immediately lose that effect when in motion eyes play a crucial role in creating realism and YouTuber will cogley shares his secrets in creating alarmingly realistic animatronic eyes in his videos kogi demonstrates how to create eyeballs and activate them using accessible components and mechanisms that can be 3D printed all mechanical

Parts are available for printing on any filament-based 3D printer write in the comments what you liked most after watching this video don’t forget to like this video And subscribe to the caros show channel also check out our previous videos see you next time

Video “Next Generation Robots and Inventions That will Soon Change The WORLD” was uploaded on 03/12/2024 to Youtube Channel Carros Show