Demonstration of OpenAI’s Chat GPT-4o in Less than 60 Seconds – Video

Demonstration of OpenAI’s Chat GPT-4o in Less than 60 Seconds – Video

OpenAI has just unveiled their latest flagship model, the GPT-4o, which promises a variety of new features across voice, text, and vision capabilities. In a recent demo, OpenAI showcased the power of the GPT-4o by having it tell a bedtime story about robots and love in a dramatic robot voice, followed by a singing voice to bring the story to a happy ending.

The GPT-4o also demonstrated its ability to read emotions, correctly identifying a person’s happy and cheerful mood based on their facial expression. The audience was impressed by the AI’s capabilities, with some even jokingly praising it for its usefulness and amazingness.

However, as the GPT-4o continues to blur the lines between reality and artificial intelligence, some may question whether its capabilities are cute or creepy. Nonetheless, OpenAI’s continuous innovation in the field of artificial intelligence is undoubtedly pushing boundaries and shaping the future of technology.

For more information on the GPT-4o and other features of ChatGPT, check out CNET’s article on OpenAI’s latest developments. #openai #chatgpt #chatgpt4o #nlp #tech #artificialintelligence.

Watch the video by CNET

Video “OpenAI’s Chat GPT-4o Demo in Under 60 Seconds” was uploaded on 05/14/2024 to Youtube Channel CNET