Boston Dynamics Puts an End to Surprises – Video

Boston Dynamics Puts an End to Surprises – Video

In the video “No More Surprises | Boston Dynamics”, the emphasis is on the need for reliable data and predictability in the workplace, especially in asset-intensive facilities. The introduction of Orbit™ from Boston Dynamics promises to revolutionize fleet management by providing real-time and predictive intelligence for not just one, but an entire ecosystem of robots starting with Spot.

Orbit allows for repeatable measurements of running temperatures and acoustic anomalies, enabling the identification of trends and scheduling of corrective actions to avoid unplanned surprises. Plant managers are given a command view of their operation from the cloud, allowing for bespoke mission planning, data analysis, and fleet management. By eliminating the need for manual rounds, valuable hours are freed up, resulting in more time to keep equipment running smoothly, ultimately boosting productivity and efficiency.

The true value of Orbit lies in its ability to predict changes in plants with high confidence and fewer surprises, providing predictably reliable data about equipment health. This video serves as a powerful introduction to how robots, specifically Spot from Boston Dynamics, can transform the way we manage asset-intensive facilities by providing answers instead of problems and eliminating the need for surprises.

Watch the video by Boston Dynamics

Author Video Description

Introducing Orbit™, your portal for managing asset-intensive facilities through real-time and predictive intelligence. Orbit brings a whole new suite of fleet management capabilities and will unify your ecosystem of Boston Dynamics robots, starting with Spot.

Video Transcript

You prefer answers instead of problems and you hate surprises because in your line of work surprises usually mean bad news the last thing you want is a frantic late night phone call about an unexpected line stoppage or equipment failure because a good day at work is when nothing exciting happens right

Introducing orbit from Boston Dynamics orbit is your window into spots world this powerful Fleet management software means spots repeatable measurements of running temperatures and acoustic anomalies are a click away so you can identify Trends and schedule corrective action avoiding unplanned surprises orbit also provides plant managers a command view of their

Operation right from the cloud they can plan and schedule bespoke missions as well as analyze and manage data from their entire fleet of robots the real game Cher here is the time-saving benefit by eliminating the need for manual rounds valuable hours are freed up this translates to more

Wrench time to keep equipment running smoothly which boosts overall productivity and efficiency in turn the collected data lets the leadership team make long-term decisions based on reliable repeatable data orbit from Boston Dynamics helps predict changes to your plants with high confidence and fewer surprises your days will be pleasantly dull with

Predictively reliable data about the health of your equipment with orbit from Boston d Dynamics changing your idea of what robots can do

Video “No More Surprises | Boston Dynamics” was uploaded on 02/12/2024 to Youtube Channel Boston Dynamics