Apple to compensate OpenAI for ChatGPT usage through distribution deal – Video

Apple to compensate OpenAI for ChatGPT usage through distribution deal – Video

Apple’s recent partnership with OpenAI to integrate ChatGPT into their devices has sparked interest in the tech industry. While the exact financial terms were initially undisclosed, it has now been revealed that Apple will not be making any monetary payments to OpenAI. Instead, Apple believes that the exposure and push of OpenAI’s brand and technology to the millions of Apple devices worldwide is of immense value.

This decision by Apple showcases a strategic move to leverage the cutting-edge technology developed by OpenAI while also benefiting from the widespread reach of their own devices. By integrating ChatGPT into their products, Apple aims to enhance user experience and stay ahead in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Bloomberg’s Lynn Doan discussed this groundbreaking partnership with Caroline Hyde and Tim Stenovec on “Bloomberg Technology,” shedding light on the significance of this collaboration. The implications of this arrangement are vast, and it will be interesting to see how Apple and OpenAI continue to innovate and shape the future of technology.

Watch the video by Bloomberg Technology

Video “Apple to ‘Pay’ OpenAI for ChatGPT Through Distribution” was uploaded on 06/13/2024 to Youtube Channel Bloomberg Technology